Our Job, Skills and Pathways program helps students explore the options before them and identify the particular passions and interests that they wish to pursue.
Careers Website Our students have access to a dedicated careers website where parents and students can explore career pathways and options.
Year 9 Careers Advisory Service All Year 9 students are given access to the online career discovery tool, the Morrisby Test. Following the analysis of their Morrisby career assessment, students receive one-on-one careers counselling with an external accredited career development practitioner.
Year 10 Work Experience Work experience forms an integral part of the career development process. Our Year 10 students take part in a work experience program that is designed to provide insights into industries and workplaces that students may be interested in pursuing post school. Work experience also helps students gain an understanding of the work environment and employer expectations, as well as providing increased self-understanding, independence, and self-confidence. Students partake in work experience in Terms 1, 2, and 3.
Structured Workplace Learning Structured Workplace Learning is a planned and compulsory part of many VCE VET courses. It involves participating in the industry relevant to students studies. Students practice and develop skills or competencies on the job, while finding out more about employment and training in the industry. It is a nationally accredited qualification recognised by industry
School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships A School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) offers students the option of combining their senior secondary education with part-time employment and skills training. Regular school attendance is combined with a minimum of one timetabled day a week of employment and/or structured training. The program is undertaken under a formal training contract with an employer and has a training plan registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA).
Years 11 and 12 Senior School students are able to access counselling with the Job Skills and Pathway Coordinator at any time upon request. Pathways counselling for all students in Year 12 are revisited in one-on-one sessions with the Later Years Team or Job Skills and Pathway Coordinator. In addition, students are followed up after leaving school and advice and support is available if required.
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